California's Largest Subaru Enthusiast Festival

Santa Anita Park - Arcadia, CA
** August 4, 2024 **

About AkagiRunners:
AkagiRunners is a Southern California based merch brand whose sole purpose is to promote mental health and suicide awareness within the car community by providing a more positive car culture and creating a network of individuals that share a common interest and promote people with these problems to reach out to one another. We bring the community together through collaborations and events with companies you all know well! Whether you’re a touge enthusiast who lives for pushing it to the limits in every mountain pass, a track fiend who's dedicated to being the fastest on track, or just a car enthusiast who enjoys the morning cruises and cars and coffees, you’ll find that AkagiRunners is not only a brand, but the community that you fit right in with! We look forward to bringing the best events and merch to the best community there is!

Why we love Subiefest California:
Subiefest is a staple in the greatest car community and it brings both inspiration and motivation!

Why you should come to our booth at Subiefest 2024:
We're a network of individuals who feel that mental health is a real crisis in our community and our end goal is to help others realize it's okay to reach out for help and would love to provide any help we can and show you aren't alone!

What we're giving away at Subiefest 2024:
Mystery merch bag w/ $100 detail coupon

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